
Monday, September 10, 2012

Mandibular Fractures

Classification of Mandibular Fracture

• According to the type of fracture:
1. Simple
2. Compound
3. Comminuted
4. Pathological

• According to the site of fracture:
1. Dento alveolar
2. Condyle
3. Coronoid
4. Ramus
5. Angle
6. Body
7. Parasymphysis
8. Symphysis

• Another classification:
1. Unilateral fracture
2. Bilateral fracture
3. Multiple fracture
4. Comminuted fracture

• According to the treatment point of view:
1. stable fracture
2. Unstable fracture

Fracture of Mandibular Condyle: Clinical Features and Management

Clinical feature:

Common features:
1. Swelling over the TMJ area
2. Hemorrhage from the ear
3. Tenderness of the affected area
4. Edema
5. Restricted condylar movement
6. Anaesthesia & parasthesia of lower lip
Occlusal feature:

Unilateral Fracture :
1. Unilateral crossbite
2. Premature contact

Bilateral Fracture :
1. Bilateral crossbite


Treatment : 
It may be surgical & non surgical.

Non surgical approach:
Condylar facture without or with minimum displacement:
• No active treatment
• Restricted movement & soft diet for 10-15 days followed by active movements

In case of deviation of mouth on opening without much occlusal discrepancy:
• Muscle training
• Class II elastic traction on the involved side
• Vertical elastic forces on normal side

In case of condylar over riding:
• Elastic traction
• IMF for 2-3 weeks
• Early mobilization

Surgical management:
When there is-
• Facture & dislocation in the auditory canal
• Anterior dislocation with restricted mandibular movement
• Bilateral condylar factures associated with a comminuted Le fort type III craniofacial dysfunction.


Authored By:
:: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM

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