
Monday, September 17, 2012

Torus Palatinus and Torus Mandibularis

- Description:
Bony exostoses found in midline of the hard palate and on the lingual aspect of the mandible.
It may be inherited whereas others say it's environmental.
The exostoses start in childhood and reach its peak in Adolescence.
Once they have reached to the full size, their growth stops.
In the mandible, they may form a row of nodules.
In most individuals they occur bilaterally.
In the palate, they may form a cluster of nodules, divided by deep grooves.
It has been estimated that palatal tori occur in 20-35% of the population. Mandibular tori are less common, about 10% of the population are affected.

 - Etiology:
Tori are developmental over-growths of normal bone and as previously stated they may be inherited.

- Treatment:
Not causing symptoms, and do not require removal, unless interferes with prosthetic appliances.

- Prognosis:

- Occurrence:
Torus Palatinus 20-35% Of population.
Torus Mandibularis 10% Of population.


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Authored By,
:: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM

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