
Friday, October 5, 2012

Epulis fissuratum

- Description:
A Lesion that appears in the buccal vestibule of the anterior maxilla or the lingual aspect. (most commonly in anterior aspect)
Where the body of the dental prosthetic appliance flanges contact with for a long time, causing a two or more folds of soft tissue that is separated by a cental groove.
The excess tissue is firm and fibrous, and ulcerations may be present.
The size of the affected tissue varies widely, since almost the entire length of tissue around a denture can be affected.
Most of the patients are females (64% of cases study) in the fifth and sixth decade of like.
The lesion's duration is from one week to 10 days, but 40% of the patients reported a duration of 6 months to two years.
No symptoms are associated with the lesion except some pain with ulcerated types.
Also Known As: Granuloma fissuratum, inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia, denture epulis and denture induced fibrous hyperplasia.

- Etiology:
This is an inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia or oral mucosa caused by ill-fitting or over-extended denture borders.

- Histologically:
The excessive tissue is composed of cellular, inflamed fibrous connective tissue.

- Microscopic Appearance:
The appearance of an epulis fissuratum microscopically is an overgrowth of cells from the fibrous connective tissue. The epithelial cells are usually hyperkeratotic and irregular, hyperplastic rete ridges are often seen.

- Treatment:
Surgical excision of the lesion and reduction of the denture border.

- Prognosis:

- Differential Diagnosis:
The lesion has such a characteristic clinical appearance that differential diagnosis is not a problem.
Persistent ulcerated areas in epulis fissuratum should be biopsied to rule out squamous carcinoma.
Folds similar to epulis fissuratum may be seen in Crohn’s disease.
Epulis fissuratum can also appear around dental implants. occurred because the Broken implant denture clasp with poor oral hygiene.


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Authored By,
:: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM

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