
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Early Childhood Cavities (ECC)

- More commonly known as "baby bottle tooth decay" is a condition that affects children up to the age of three, or as long as they remain using a bottle. 

- Although rare, ECC may indicate the potential risk for severe tooth decay when the child develops his adult teeth.

- Causes:
1- Sugars and carbohydrates in the child's diet Beverages that contain sugar such as milk, infant formula, fruit juice, or any other liquid that contain or is sweetened with sugar.
2- Bacteria transferred from the caregiver to the child.

3- The frequency of feedings
4- Allowing a child to fall asleep with bottle that contains any liquid other than pure water.

- Prevention:
1- Offering a pacifier rather than a bottle during naps and bed time
2- Speak with your dentist for advice on how to expose your child to fluoride,


1- if it is not available through your water supply.
Fluoride is recommended by the American Dental Association to strengthen teeth, which may prevent tooth decay.
2- If using a bottle during periods of sleep, fill the bottle with only pure water.


This Article has been Edited By :: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM
For any questions and Suggestions please don't be hesitate to feedback us.

:: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM

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