
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Limited Mouth Opening "Jaw Lock"

- Definition:
- "A limited mouth opening" or "a restricted jaw opening" or "Jaw Lock" is when the condyles are not able to move downward and forward the height of the articular eminence of the jaw joints, causing difficulty or pain in opening the mouth.
- Normal Range of mouth opening is 31-35 mm Or opening mouth in range of 3 fingers.

- Causes:
Causes of Limited Mouth Opening are a lot, most commonly it's caused by:
1- OSMF,
2- Tetanus,
3- Post radiation therapy, Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma)
4- Ankylosis,
5- Microstomia,
6- Post Surgical Fibrosis,
7- Pericoronitis,
8- Injury to Medial Pterygoid muscle.
9- Myofacial Pain Dysfunction Syndrome.
10- Condyles are in an up and back position within the glenoid fossa causing the articular disc to be displaced forward.
11- Mouth pain
12- Jaw pain
13- Dental pain
14- Tooth decay
15- Dental infection
16- Impacted wisdom teeth
17- Jaw disorder
18- TMJ disorder
19- Freeman-Sheldon syndrome
20- Strychnine poisoning
21- Mononucleosis
22- Upper respiratory infection
23- Tonsillitis
24- Cancrum oris
25- Mumps
26- Periotonsillar abscess
27- Facial pain
28- Stroke
29- Broken jaw
30- Peritonsillar abscess
31- Facial trauma
32- Fits
33- Jaw ankylosis
34- Trismus

- Diagnostic Tests:
1- Physical examination
- Feel the face and neck, including parotid glands and local lymph nodes
- Feel the temporomandibular joint for tenderness and clicking with movement
- Inspect the mouth and pharynx
- Inspect teeth and tap each tooth if suspect dental disease
2- Blood test
- Full blood count (looking for signs of infection and atypical lymphocytes in mononucleosis
- Monospot test (screening test for mononucleosis)
- EBV serology to diagnose EBV mononucleosis
- Mumps serology test (rarely required because diagnosis is usually made on history and examination)
3- Radiological investigations
- X-ray of jaw if suspect possible fracture

- Treatment:
Is carried out by the dentist who judges a treatment according to the cause of the Limited Mouth Opening.


This Article has been Authored By :: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM
For any questions and Suggestions please don't be hesitate to feedback us.

:: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM

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