- It's the fear of dentistry and of receiving dental care. A severe form of this fear (specific phobia) is variously called Dental Phobia, Odontophobia, Dentophobia, Dentist Phobia, or Dental Anxiety.
- Make sure, never to Misdiagnose between Dental phobia and post-traumatic stress disorder.
- In U.S.A, Dental Fear contributes 75% of adults ranging from Mild too Severe, However, Severe Dental Phobia Contributes 5-10% of the population.
Causes of Dental Fear, Anxiety and Phobia:
- Direct:
1- Previous Dental Trauma, Pain or difficulty.
2- Impersonal, Uncaring, Uninterested or Cold Dentists.
- Indirect:
1- Children will pick the fear up from horror Dental experience of parents.
2- Children and adults will pick the fear up from horror Dental experience of other people. (Vicarious learning)
3- The Embarrassment when you feel the your teeth are the worst in the world and the dentist will give negative reaction when he sees you.
4- The negative portrayal of dentistry in mass media and cartoons.
5- Traumatic Experience in Non-dental treatments, makes the dental patient fears of the white coats and antiseptic smells. (Stimulus Generalization)
6- If a person believes that they have no means of influencing a negative event, they will experience helplessness. and an incident where a dentist wouldn't stop even when the person was in obvious pain. (Helplessness and Perceived Lack of Control).
- Fear measurement instrument like Corah’s Dental Anxiety Scale or the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale.
- Treatments for dental fear often include a combination of behavioral and pharmacological techniques.
Behavioral such as:
1- Relaxation Techniques (Diaphragmatic Breathing and Progressive Muscle Relaxation).
2- Cognitive, or Thought-Based Techniques (Cognitive Restructuring and Guided Imagery).
Pharmacological such as:
1- Sedation.
2- General Anesthesia.
3- Nitrous Oxide.
This Article has been Authored By :: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM
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:: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM