
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Mucocele (Mucous Cyst Of The Oral Mucosa)

- Benign lesion that appears in oral cavity "Oral Mucosa" causing elevation.
- The colour is somehow normal as the surrounding mucosa but can exhibit some bluish-white colour and sometimes it appears white.
- Other Term of the phenonmena ": mucus extravasation phenomenon, and mucus retention cyst.
- The mucocele is referred to as a ranula, when found in the floor of the mouth.
- More commonly found in children and young adults.
- It can be considered a polyp or a cyst.
- size ranges from 1 mm to several centimeters.
- On palpation, it may be fluctuant but can also be firm.

- Traumatic severance of salivary ducts permitting salivary escape into mucosa is the accepted etiology.
- ruptured salivary gland duct
- obstructed or ruptured salivary duct (Parotid duct) in the case of a mucus retention cyst.
- Inflammation of sinuses can also cause this condition

- Most commonly found in the surface of the lower lip.
- Inner side of the cheek (known as the buccal mucosa)
- On the anterior ventral tongue
- The floor of the mouth.

Microscopically, mucoceles appears as granulation tissue surrounding mucin. Since inflammation occurs concurrently, neutrophilsand foamy histiocytes usually are present.


Differential Diagnosis:
- Salivary gland neoplasms (especially mucoepidermoid carcinoma).
- varix.
- hemangioma.

Surgical excision deep enough to include the underlying gland that feeds it.


This Article has been Authored By :: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM
For any questions and Suggestions please don't be hesitate to feedback us.

:: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM

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