
Friday, August 2, 2013

Significant Lab Tests in Dentistry

Hematological Tests:
1- CBC: Complete Blood Count with platelets and WBC differential.
2- ESR: Erythrocyte Sedimentation RAte
3- P.T./I.N.R: Prothrombin Time/International Normalized Ratio
4- P.T.T: Partial Thromboplastin Time

Renal Assessment Tests:
1- Serum creatinine (S. Cr.)
2- Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)

Diabetes Assessment Tests:
1- FBS: Fasting Blood Sugar
2- PPBS: Post Prandial/ Post Meal Blood Sugar
1- HbA1C: Hemoglobin A1C

Liver Assessment Tests:
1- Hepatic Serology
2- Liver Function Tests (LFTs)

Bone Assessment Tests:
1- Serum Calcium (Ca2+)
2- Serum Phosphorus (PO4)
3- Alkaline Phosphate (AlkP)

HIV/AIDS Status Assessment Tests:
1- CD4 Count & Viral Load (HIV RNA)
2- CBC w/Pits. & WBC Diff.
3- LFTs: Liver Function Tests
4- PT/INR: Prothrombin Time/International Normalized Ratio


This Article has been Authored By :: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM
For any questions and suggestions please don't be hesitate to feedback us.

:: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM

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