
Monday, January 27, 2014

Differences between 3M ESPE (Z350 XT, Z350, Z250 and P60) Composites

The Differences between the 3M EPSE products is about the shading, color and mechanical properties ...
So that the indications for the use of each products differs according to those criteria ... for example:

Z350 XT Indications:
- Direct anterior and posterior restorations (including occlusal surfaces)
- Core build-ups
- Splinting
- Indirect restorations (including inlays, onlays and veneers)

Z350 Indications:
- Direct anterior and posterior restorations
- Sandwich technique with glass ionomer resin material
- Cusp buildup
- Core buildup
- Splinting
- Indirect anterior and posterior restorations including inlays, onlays and veneers

Z250 Indications:
- Direct anterior and posterior restorations
- Sandwich technique with glass ionomer resin material
- Cusp buildup
- Core buildup
- Splinting
- Indirect anterior and posterior restorations including inlays, onlays and veneers

P60 Posterior Composite Indications:
- Direct posterior restorations
- Sandwich technique with glass ionomer resin material
- Cusp buildup
- Core buildup
- Splinting
- Indirect posterior restorations including inlays and onlays.


Choose the Product you want for the certain case you want to treat ...
It's not about filling with composite, actually it's all about with which composite you fill ... !!!

This Article has been Edited By :: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM
For any questions and suggestions please don't be hesitate to feedback us.

:: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM

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