
Monday, August 12, 2013

Branches of Mandibular nerve

Innervations of the Mandibular Nerve

1. Main Trunk
2. Nervous Spimosum
3. Nerve to medial pterygoid
4. Anterior Division
---- 4.A. N. to Temporalis msc.
---- 4.B. N. to Massetter msc.
---- 4.C. N. to Lateral Pterygoid msc.
---- 4.D. Long Buccal N.
5. Posterior Division
---- 5.A. Auriculo-temporal N.
---- 5.B. Lingual Nerve
---- 5.C. Inferior Alveolar N.


Sensory braches of Mandibular nerve
1. Nervous spinosum nerve (trunk)
2. Long buccal nerve ( Ant. division)
3. Auriculo-Temporal nerve
---- 3.A- Parotid branch
---- 3.B- Articular branch
---- 3.C- Auricular branch
---- 3.D- Temporal branch
---- 3.E- Terminal branch
4. Lingual nerve ( post. division)
5. Inferior alveolar nerve (Incisive nerve - Mental nerve)
---- 5.A- Mylohyoid nerve
---- 5.B- Mental nerve
---- 5-C Incisive nerve

Motor braches of Mandibular nerve
1. Nerve to medial pterygoid muscle
2. Nerve to tensor palatini muscle
3. Nerve to tensor tympani muscle
4. Nerve to lateral pterygoid muscle
5. Nerve to masseter muscle
6. Nerve to temporalis muscle
7. Nerve to mylohyoid muscle
8. Nerve to anterior belly of digastric muscle


Long Buccal Nerve:
1- M.M. of the cheek Except the posterosuperior area which receive sensory fibers from posterior superior alveolar nerve
2- Skin of the cheek
3- M.M. of the lower buccal vestibule
4- Buccal mucoperiosteum of the lower molars

The Lingual Nerve:
1- M.M. of the ant. 2/3 of the tongue
2- M.M. of the floor of the mouth
3- M.M. of the lateral lingual vestibule
4- Lingual mucoperiosteum of the all lower teeth

Mylohyoid nerve:
1- Motor Fibers supplies the (Mylohyoid muscle - Anterior belly of digastric muscles)
2- Sensory fibers supply the (Skin of the anterior & inferior surfaces of the mental protuberance)

Mental nerve: supplies the (Skin of the chin - Skin of the lower lip - M.M. of the lower lip)

Incisive nerve: Supplies (pulp & investing structures of the lower anterior teeth)


Read More About

- Innervations of the Mandibular teeth
Branches of Maxillary nerve
- Innervations of the Maxillary teeth


This Article has been Authored By :: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM
For any questions and suggestions please don't be hesitate to feedback us.

:: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM

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