
Monday, August 12, 2013

Innervations of the Mandibular teeth

Inferior Alveolar nerve
It supplies the pulp and the investing structures of the Mandibular molars, Premolars and Anterior teeth

Lingual nerve
It supplies the lingual mucoperiosteum of all the lower teeth, anterior two thirds of the tongue and the floor of the mouth.

The long Buccal nerve
It supplies the buccal mucoperiosteum opposite to the lower molars.

Note: The accessory innervation of the Mandibular teeth is
1- The lower anterior teeth cross innervation (Incisive Nerve crosses the midline from one side to another).
2- The lower premolar may receive additional nerve supply from the cutaneous coli nerve (branch from the cervical plexus of nerves) for their labial mucoperiostieum.
3- The lower molars may receive additional nerve supply from the nerve to mylohyoid for the pulp and investing structures.


Read More About

Branches of Mandibular nerve


This Article has been Authored By :: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM
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:: World Of Dentistry :: TEAM

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